Disturbing whale picture:
I am anti-
-prussian blue
-animal cruelty
-peace haters
-copy cats
-Marilyn Manson
-shit music like justin timberlake, fergie, christina aguliera and waaayyy more.
Ok well, i know some people who happen to steal.. I am trying to make it as anonymous as possible.. Because is this like putting them up or something? Not sure. But anyways they can afford to buy the stuff.. i think, wait yeah they can but yet they still choose to steal. When our new shopping centre opened they christened it with there very first stealing of a wallet and diodorant.. I mean how low can you get?.. They are probably that low that they'd steal from vinnies or salvo's.. No serious! They are, one time they stole a $20 lipgloss from kmart and hole socks, the socks as a fashion acessories or something they did it because they "didnt want to" buy it and they had the money with them, I mean gosh cant you just go without instead of steal? It's not that hard a thing to do like have you ever heard of "saving" or "getting a job" or even "buying it"???? Oh nearly forgot to mention but at sport one time they were going to steal out of this room which just had some old shit the club needed like rusty pens, ancient tables, dusty phone books, piano and paper. Fortunatley they didnt steal, most probably because the teacher caught them. So yeah its pretty sad, they may need councelling who knows? but my point is STEALING is wrong, it's against the law and girls if your reading this please stop it. You might get a really bad rep or end up getting fined or even in jail.
Ok well it just seems like im writing about "people" i know because they are sometimes all that really affect me.. Well this blog is about LIES.. oh and "friends".. Well ok i dont want to be obvious or anything but we all know who I am talking about.. or not.. but this "particular girl" has a history for lieing straight to your face... Well mainly mine! But yeah.. Pretty sad actually.. but anyways i have loads of stories but this is what im going to tell you now because she will most probably get up me but oh well really WHO CARES!!!! Not Me! .. Like seriously where DO I START??.. , Ok well like one time she wrote a poem and im like "it's so about me" and shes like "no its not" and im like "its so is" and she's like "no it's not" and that went on for like 5 minutes.. or maybe not I just like to exaggerate.. Well the rest and the start apart from the "five minute" thing is all TRUE! Like she is that good at lieing she can look you straight into your eye and convince you that your wrong and that she's right and make you DOUBT yourself.. I think she deserves a pro medal for "the best deciever ever"... lol Well thats what i think anyway.. Anyways back to the story I was like soo disgusted, heart-broken, devasted oh what the heck SHATTERED completly... Oh whats the word?.. Just speechless, like i was really badly hurt from it when she finally told me that it WAS about me. I guess she thought i had to figure it out or something.. So lame but yeah.. Seriously lieing to your Bestfriends, Ex- Bestfriends, Enemies, Ex-freinds, Friends or anybody's face is not acceptable. It's soo LOW, I mean how low can YOU get --------??? Would You lie straight to somebody's face??.. I definantly would not, I think that you show be straight- (not as in sexs) but as in telling people straight not "beating around the bush, talking forever to tell the person by building vallies or caves into no where or even covering it up.. But yeah i tell the truth to people and i don't "steal" - mind you im not talking about the first girl. But yeah - Stealing brings me to my next topic.. So stay tuned.. Cheers Peace Out!

Ok so I have this friend, she has mood swings but she doesn't have her period yet.. so weird but yeah anyways she has a VERY short attention span and if you don't interest her she just looks away and doesn't aknowledge you or even more RUDE she puts her ear-phones on an sings away to the song she's listening to.. Don't you think that is rude?.. omg she really can hurt your feelings.. oh trust me.. This particular girl sometimes gets on my nerves and she really annoys me, but i put up with it becasuse IM SUCH A GOOD FRIEND to her.. I could write 1000 blogs on/about her but i can't really be that bothered to do so.. Only unless i really want to get up her for maybe something she did that day or even a month ago... I have a very good memory, I can remember up to something she did a yr ago- thats only if it really affected me or i just couldn't forget it... So yeah.. Well mainly i only remember what i want.. Like one time I supossedly called this girl "fat" as a joke and she's like not even close, she's more anorexic then the first girl i'm talking about.. But yeah.. REAL Friends Listen EVEN if it's BORING!!!